Sunday, September 10, 2006


Hello, this site is dedicated to two things: Renee French and the book that I am currently in production of making. The book shall chronicle the life and expirencing of Renee French (or at least, what is known of her) as well as the work of Renee French and interupptive drawings by me of her life. Why am I making this book? Good question: the reason why I am making this book is because Renee French is someone that I idolized since I first read one of her antholgies and discovered her web site. And still a question remains to the viewer:
Who is Renee French?

Renee French is an underground cartoonist who began publishing her work in the early ninties with her breakthrough comic entitled "Grit Bath", one of the most disturbing and controvesieral comix ever shown (and later, banned.) She has also wrote the book "The Soap Lady" which was apparently banned as well. For some reason not many people of the public or many other artists have never even HEARD of her, despite being accalimed by Penn & Teller, Jim Woodring and others. Yet somehow I feel that she is worthy of this project I am making so perhaps the world can see the beauty of this womans' work.

Any fans of Renee's work I encourage you to post comments here, espiecally if there is anything you would like me to know about her since I, unfortuanitley, have never met her.


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